
Aşıklar - The Swimmer (1968)

Kitap : Yüzücü
Yazar : John Cheever
Yayınevi : Yapı Kredi Yayınları
Basım Tarihi : 1993
Sayfa Sayısı :125
Boyut : 13.5 x 20cm
Kitap link :
Konu: Güle Güle Kardeşim / Goodby My Brother
Dev Radyo / Enormous Radio
Sutton Meydanı'nın Öyküsü / The Sutton Place Story
Brimmer / Brimmer
Merhem / The Cure
Aşkın Geometrisi / The Geometry of Love
Bityeniği / Worm in the Apple
Beş Kırk Sekiz / Five Forty Eight
Arjantin Başkanı / The President of Argentina
Öykülere Asla Girmeyecek Kişilerden Bir Derleme / A Miscellany of Characters That Qill not Appear
Yüzücü / Swimmer  

Apartmanın diğer dairelerinde olan-bitenin radyodan dinlenebildiği, aşkın geometrisinin çatıldığı, öykülere asla giremeycek kişilerin derlenen öyküleri. (Tanıtım Bülteninden)

Book: The Swimmer
Writer : John Cheever
Publisher : Random House Value Publishing
Publish Date : 1994
Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 8.2 inches
Pages: 16
Plot: Neddy Merrill decides to swim home from a friend's pool party, traveling from fashionable swimming pool to swimming pool on a perfect mid-summer's day. But as night falls and the season changes, Neddy sinks from optimistic bliss to utter despair. (
Film : Aşıklar - The Swimmer (1968)
Yönetmen-Director : Frank Perry
Senaryo-Writers : Eleanor Perry, John Cheever
Oyuncular-Stars : Burt Lancaster - Ned Merrill, Janet Landgard - Julie Hooper, Janice Rule - Shirley Abbott, Tony Bickley - Donald Westerhazy, Marge Champion - Peggy Forsburgh, Nancy Cushman - Mrs. Halloran, Bill Fiore - Howie Hunsacker, David Garfield - Ticket Seller, Kim Hunter - Betty Graham, Rose Gregorio - Sylvia Finney, Charles Drake - Howard Graham, Bernie Hamilton – Chauffeur, House Jameson - Mr. Halloran, Jimmy Joyce - Jack Finney, Michael Kearney - Kevin Gilmartin
Plot : Neddy Merrill has been away for most of the Summer. He reappears at a friend's pool. As they talk, someone notices that there are pools spanning the entire valley. He decided to jog from pool to pool to swim across the whole valley. As he stops in each pool his interactions tell his life story. Written by John Vogel

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